Green Esthetics Argan Oil And Longer Lash- Reader Reviewed And Recommended

I like organic products a lot, but they are pricey, so sometimes I lean in the way of convenience, expediency, price or just opportunity. Yet, in those rare moments when the moon is in the Seventh House and the stars align with Mars, and we are not in retrograde, green can be most definitely the best way to go.

Longer, Thicker Lashes Done Naturally

Using too much mascara? Tired of glueing fake lashes on? Longer Lash is the PERFECT solution! Made with a mix of potent polypeptides, vitamins, minerals, essential and natural oils, Longer Lash helps your brows and eyelashes grow and thicken in just 4-6 weeks.

Boost Lashes And Brows With Natural Make-Up, Serum And More

Yes, you read that right! We actually found anatural lash serum that gives false-like lashes, plus natural make-up as in a natural eyebrow gel that bestows stay-in-place definition and vegan, waterproof mascara.

Review: Longer Lash – Natural Eyelash Conditioner

As a child I was really fortunate to have the longest, lushest eyelashes, the envy of my mum and her female friends.

However, with age that honour is no longer bestowed upon my eyes, but annoyingly has transferred to my young boys, whom, of course, do not appreciate it one bit!

What Makes Longer Lash Different?

When Green Esthetics decided to make an eyelash growth product they first conducted an extensive study of similar products on the market paying close attention to ingredients which each brand chose.